精英教育作為一所英國留學与教育的顧問公司. 我們為預備來英留學的學生提供參考和建議.我們將根據每一位學生個人情況,為其量身定做不同的學習道路與方向,幫助學生申請中學或大學,我們的團隊擁有在英國教學多年的高中老師和大學講師,經驗豐富的他們將為學生保架護航. 在此同時我們也會根據您的需要為學生提供監護人等相應服務.

​Elite Educational Consultancy provides consultancy services to international students looking to study in the UK:

  • We provide tailor made  plans for individual students.
  • Our consultants comprise of secondary school teachers and university lecturers who have been working for many years within the UK education system.
  • We also  provide guardianship service; which are required for students studying in secondary schools.

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Elite Educational Consultancy   精英教育

43 Hodford Road, London NW11 8NL. Tel: 02084558389 

Copyright© 2013 Elite Educational Consultancy L​td. Company Registration  No.08927327

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​Secondary schoo​l  中學

Guardianship  監護人

University 大學